Makalah Meteorologi Dan Klimatologi

Makalah Meteorologi Dan Klimatologi

A.Latar Belakang
Cuaca adalah keadaan atmosfer pada suatu tempat yang relative sempit dan pada waktu yang singkat, sedangkan iklim adalah keadaan rata rata cuaca yang meliputi wilayah yang luas dan pada waktu yang lama.Iklim dan cuaca memiliki unsur unsur seperti Penyinaran matahari,suhu udara,tekanan udara, angin, awan ,kelembapan udara, curah hujan. Iklim dan cuaca dapat mengalami perubahan .Iklim dan cuaca juga memiliki gangguan. Gangguan yang di maksud adalah seperti : Efek rumah kaca yang merupakan meningkatnya suhu udara di permukaan bumi. Peristiwa El Nino dan La Nina dan peristiwa Thunderstorm serta tornado yang dapat terjadi dalam kehidupan.

B.Rumusan Masalah
1. Apa pengertian cuaca dan iklim?
2. Apa unsur unsur cuaca dan iklim.
3. Apa itu gangguan pada cuaca dan iklim?
4. Apa yang dimaksud dengan efek rumah kaca?
5. Apa yang dimaksud dengan El Nino?
6. Apa yang dimaksud dengan El Nina?
7. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Thunderstorm?
8.Apa yang dimaksud dengan Tornado?

C.Tujuan dan manfaat
1. Apa pengertian iklim dan cuaca
2.Apa unsur unsur cuaca dan iklim 
3.Gangguan-gangguan yang terjadi pada cuaca dan iklim 


A. Pengertian Cuaca dan Iklim
a. Cuaca 
Cuaca adalah keadaan atmosfer di suatu tempat yang dapat berubah ubah pada setiap waktu yang terjadi pada tempat yang tidak terlalu luas dan dalam waktu yang singkat.

Iklim adalah rata-rata cuaca yang terjadi pada suatu wilayah yang luas dan dalam waktu yang lama.

Unsur-Unsur cuaca dan Iklim:
1.Penyinaran matahari
a. Pemanasan langsung
b.Pemanasan tidak langsung

2.Suhu udara
Keadaan suhu suatu tempat di permukaan bumi sangat lah bervariasi, hal ini sangat bergantung pada hal hal seperti berikut:
a. Intensitas dan durasi harian dari energy matahari
b. Pelenyapan energy dalam atmosfer
c. Kemampuan penyerapan di permukaan daerah
d. Sifat sifat fisik permukaan dan daerah sekitarnya
e. Pertukaran panas dalam penguapan, pengembunan,pembekuan dan pencairan

3.Tekanan udara
Tekanan udara adalah tekanan yang diberikan oleh udara (karena beratnya) kepada setiap luas 1 cm2bidang datar di permukaan bumi sampai batas atmosfer.

Angin adalah udara yang bergerak dari daerah yang bertekanan tinggi ke tekanan udara yang rendah.
Jenis jenis angin antara lain :
a. Angin Sinklon
b. Angin Antisinklon
c. Angin Passat
d. Angin Muson
e. Angin lokal

Awan adalah sekumpulan tetesan air atau Kristal es di dalam atmosfer yang terjadi karena pengembunan uap air yang terdapat dalam udara setelah melampaui keadaan jenuh.

6.Kelembapan udara
Kelembapan udara adalah banyaknya kandungan uap air di atmosfer

7.Curah hujan
Curah hujan adalah banyaknya air hujan atau Kristal es yang jatuh ke permukaan bumi.

B.Gangguan Cuaca dan Iklim
Faktor-faktor berupa gejala alam yang menyebabkan gangguan terhadap iklim global dunia, antara lain: gejala meningkatnya suhu udara di bumi yang disebut Efek Rumah Kaca, kondisi yang menyebabkan kekeringan pada rentang waktu lama disebut El Nino, dan kondisi yang menyebabkan hujan lebat pada rentang waktu lama disebut La Nina.

a.Efek Rumah Kaca
Efek rumah kaca adalah terjadinya peningkatan suhu udara di muka bumi akibat semakin banyaknya gas pencemar di dalam udara. Industri-industri, pabrik-pabrik, kendaraan bermotor, dan semua sarana untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia yang menggunakan bahan bakar bensin, solar, minyak tanah, dan batu bara menghasilkan gas buang berupa: CO2, CO, NO2, SO2,, HCN, HCl, H2S, HF, dan NH4 yang terus meningkat jumlahnya. Besarnya CO2 dan gas pencemar lain yang terakumulasi semakin hari semakin tinggi, hal tersebut menghambat radiasi sinar matahari yang mencapai permukaan bumi. Sinar matahari sebagian dipantulkan oleh akumulasi gas-gas pencemar tersebut kembali ke angkasa, tetapi tertahan oleh gas lain yang kembali dipantulkan ke bumi yang berakibat semakin panasnya udara di permukaan bumi. Kenaikan suhu bumi ini akan berakibat lebih jauh yaitu: mencairnya es di kutub, meningkatnya permukaan air laut akibat es yang mencair, terendamnya areal pertanian di tepi pantai akibat naiknya air laut, dan menurunnya produksi hasil pertanian karena terendamnya areal pertanian di tepi pantai.

b. El Nino
El Nino adalah terjadinya pemanasan temperatur air laut di pantai barat Peru–Ekuador yang menyebabkan gangguan iklim secara global. El Nino datang mengganggu setiap dua tahun sampai tujuh tahun sekali. 

El Nino merupakan pemanasan setidaknya 0,5 F) atau setara dengan timur-tengah Samudera Pasifik tropis.°C (0,9 ° Atau dengan mudah didefinisikan pemanasan air di Samudera Pasifik. El Nino yang biasa dikenal dengan El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) ini adalah bagian interaksi sistem global dari laut-atmosfer ditambah fluktuasi iklim yang terjadi sebagai akibat dari sirkulasi samudra dan armosfer. ENSO merupakan keadaan yang paling menonjol antar-tahunan variabilitas cuaca dan iklim di seluruh dunia. El Nino menyebabkan pola cuaca yang menyebabkan hujan pada tempat tertentu tetapi tidak di tempat lain, hal ini yang menyebabkan terjadinya kekeringan. 

Peristiwa ini diawali dari memanasnya air laut di perairan Indonesia yang kemudian bergerak ke arah timur menyusuri ekuator menuju pantai barat Amerika Selatan sekitar wilayah Peru dan Ekuador. 

Bersamaan dengan kejadian tersebut air laut yang panas dari pantai barat Amerika Tengah, bergerak ke arah selatan sampai pantai barat Peru-Bolivia sehingga terjadilah pertemuan air laut panas dari kedua wilayah tersebut. Massa air panas dalam jumlah besar terkumpul dan menyebabkan udara di daerah itu memuai sehingga proses konveksi ini menimbulkan tekanan udara menurun (minus). Kondisi ini mengakibatkan seluruh angin yang ada di sekitar Pasifik dan Amerika Latin bergerak menuju daerah tekanan rendah tersebut. Angin muson di Indonesia yang datang dari Asia dengan membawa uap air juga membelok ke daerah tekanan rendah di pantai barat Peru – Ekuador. Peristiwa tersebut mengakibatkan angin yang menuju Indonesia hanya membawa uap air yang sedikit sehingga kemarau yang sangat panjang terjadi di Indonesia. Akibat peristiwa tersebut juga dirasakan di Australia dan Afrika Timur. Sementara itu, di Afrika Selatan justru terjadi banjir besar dan menurunnya produksi ikan akibat melemahnya up-welling. Kemarau panjang akibat El Nino biasanya disertai dengan kebakaran rumput dan hutan. Pada tahun 1994 dan 1997, baik Indonesia maupun Australia mengalami kebakaran akibat peristiwa El Nino.

Berdasarkan intensitasnya El-nino dibagi menjadi :
  1. el-nino lemah ( weak el-nino) : yakni jika penyimpangan suhu muka laut di pasifik ekuator + 0.5 C s/d 1.0 C dan penyimpangan ini terjadi minimal selama 3 bulan berturut - turut.
  2. el-nino sedang ( moderate el-nino) : yakni jika penyimpangan suhu muka laut di pasifik ekuator + 1.1 C s/d 1.5 C dan penyimpangan ini terjadi minimal selama 3 bulan berturut - turut.
  3. el-nino kuat ( strong el-nino) : yakni jika penyimpangan suhu muka laut di pasifik ekuator > 1.5 C penyimpangan ini terjadi minimal selama 3 bulan berturut - turut.
Dampak el - nino terhadap kondisi cuaca :
  1. Angin pasat timuran melemah
  2. Sirkulasi monsoon melemah
  3. Akumulasi curah hujan berkurang diwilayah Indonesia, Amerika Tengah dan Amerika Selatan bagian utara. Cuaca di daerah ini cenderung lebih dingin dan kering
  4. Potensi hujan terdapat disepanjang pasifik ekuatorial tengah dan barat serta wilayah Argentina.
Dampak El - nino terhadap cuaca di Indonesia :
  1. Curah hujan disebagian daerah berkurang
  2. Kekeringan
  3. Kebakaran hutan dan berdapak timbulnya asap
Tanda-tanda awal terjadinya El Nino adalah:
  1. Kenaikan tekanan permukaan di atas Samudera Hindia, Indonesia dan Australia;
  2. Penurunan tekanan udara di Tahiti dan sisanya di pusat dan timur Samudra Pasifik;
  3. Perubahan angin di Pasifik Selatan
  4. Udara hangat naik dekat Peru dan menyebabkan hujan di Peru utara gurun; dan
  5. Air yang hangat menyebar dari barat Samudra Pasifik dan Samudra Hindia di timur Pasifik. Dan menimbulkan hujan di daerah itu, dan menyebabkan daerah kekeringan semakin luas di Pasifik barat dan curah hujan di Pasifik tumur biasanya kering.
Akibat dari terjadinya El Nino antara lain :
  1. Hujan dan banjir di sepanjang pantai Pasifik
  2.  Air hangat menggangu rantai makana ikan,burung dan mamalia laut
  3.  Tornado dan badai di Selatan Amerika
  4.  Badai di antlantik kurang dari normal
c. La nina
La Nina adalah fenomena turunnya suhu permukaan air laut di samudra pasifik yang lebih rendah dari wilayah sekitarnya. La Nina juga berarti kembalinya kondisi ke keadaan normal setelah terjadinya El Nino. Air laut panas yang menuju arah barat tersebut pada akhirnya sampai di Indonesia yang bertekanan dingin sehingga seluruh angin di sekitar Pasifik Selatan dan Samudra Indonesia bergerak menuju Indonesia. Angin tersebut menyebabkan hujan lebat dan banjir karena sangat banyaknya uap air yang dibawa. 

La Nina diukur dengan Indeks os South Osilation (ISO). La Nina dikaitkan dengan nilai positif dari ISO dan disertai dengan pertukaran angin Pasifik yang lebih kuat dan lebih hangat di sebelah utara Australia. Dimana perairan di timur tengah dan Samudra Pasifik tropis menjadi dingin selama waktu ini.

Akibat dari La nina:
1. Salju dan hujan di pantai Barat
2. Di Alaska cuaca biasa dingin 
3. Cuaca panas luar biasa di seluruh Amerika Serikat
4. Kekeringan di daerah Barat Daya
5. Badai di Atlantik lebih tinggi dari jumlah normal

Dampak dan Pengaruh La nina terhadap kondisi cuaca global:
  1. Angin Passat timuran menguat 
  2. Angin Monsoon menguat
  3. Akumulasi curah hujan berkurang di wilayah pasifik bagian timur.cuaca di daerah ini cenderung lebih dingin dan kering
  4. Potensi hujan terdapat di sepanjang pasifik equatorial barat seperti Indonesia,Malaysia dan Australia bagian utara.Cuaca cenderung hangat dan lambab
Dampak La Nina terhadap kondisi cuaca Indonesia :
Fenomena La Nina menyebabkan curah hujan di sebagian besar wilayah Indonesia bertambah,bahkan sangat berpotensi menyebabkan terjadinya banjir.Peningkatan curah hujan ini sangat tergantung pada intensitas La Nina tersebut.Namun karena posisi Geografis Indonesia yang di kenal sebagai benua maritime, maka tiak seluruh wilayah Indonesia di pengaruhi oleh fenomena La Nina.

Faktor penyebab El Nino dan La Nina
Pada saat normal angin passat bertiup dari tekanan tinggi sub tropis (dari arah timur) menuju tekanan rendah equator (barat). Sehingga air hangat Samudra Pasifik berkumpul di pantai utara Australia dan pantai Indonesia. Hal ini yang mengakibatkan hujan di Indonesia dan Di Australia. Namun pada 2 tahun sampai 7 tahun sekali angin passat tersebut berubaj arah. Yang semula dari arah timur ke barat berubah menjadi arah barat ke arah timur.Hal inilah yang mengakibatkan El Nino yaitu di Samudra Pasifik dan Indonesia berkurang curah hujan dari biasanya. Kemudian untuk La Nina terjadi karena angin passat bertiup dengan kencang dan terus menerus melewati samudra Pasifik menuju Australia.Angin passat ini akan mendorong lebih banyak air hangat di Samudra Pasifik menuju Australia Utara sehingga hujan hanya turun di Samudra Pasifik Barat, Australia Utara dan Indonesia.

Thunderstorm adalah cuaca jelek lainnya dimana terjadi guruh/petir.Pada umumnya guruh/petir ini terdapat dalam tropical cyclone, cyclone- cyclone lainnya dan pada angin tornado.

Thunderstorm dapat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah badai local yang disertai adanya kilat dan petir yang dihasilkan oleh awan cumulonimbus (Cb) yang juga menyebabkan terjadinya gusty (angin kencang yang mendadak), hujan deras dan terkadang terdapat butiran-butiran es (hail). Apapun istilahnya itu, untuk mengenali adanya thunderstorm, secara mudah kita dapat ketahui dengan kehadiran Guntur dalam awan tersebut, ya..hanya itu, Guntur. Itu sudah cukup untuk mengetahui bahwa disekitar kita telah terjadi fenomena badai Guntur (thunderstorm).

Karena kepanasan setempat kadang kadang suhu udara pada sesuatu daerah itu jauh lebih tinggi dari sekelilingnya.Perbedaan suhu yang besar ini menimbulkan arus udara ke dareah yang panas hal mana menyebabkan timbulnya arus conveksi.Arus conveksi yang besar dibutuhkan dalam pembentukan awan awan cumuli nimbus yang menimbulkan thunderstorm ini sampai paling tidak setinggi lapisan udara yang bersuhu 00 C.

Selain karena pengaruh pemanasan setempat yang berlebihan ini , awan awan Cb dapat juga terjadi karena pengaruh convergensi atau pegunungan dimana udara di paksa naik melalui lereng-lerengnya sehingga menimbulkan arus vertical yag besar.

Thunderstorm yang karena pemanasan ini biasa terjadi pada sore hari dan meliputi daerah yang sempit maximum kira kira 40 mil dan bergerak paling jauh 100 mil. Hujan deras mungkin turun sepanjang daerah yang dilalui nya.dan segera setelah lewat cuaca menjadi baik kembali.

Thunderstorm dapat dibagi atas 2 jenis yaitu:

1. Air massa thunderstorm
Yang timbul sebagia akibat terdesaknya ke atas sebagian kecil udara.Dalam bentuk ini termasuk guruh/petir karena pengaruh arus convektif pemanasan ,pengaruh pegunungan.

2. Frontal thunderstorm yang terjadi karena pertemuan dari dua massa udara

Thunder storm paling banyak terjadi di daerah tropis dimana massa udaranya panas dan basah serta gerakan udara yang menguntungkan pembentukan awan-awan thunderstorm ini. Petir yang kelihatan adalah molekul udara yang pijar sebagai akibat aliran listrik. Pada bagian bawah awan bermuatan positif ,bagian tengah bermuatan negative sedang bagian atas awan bermuatan positif lagi.Pemisah bagian atas dan tengah terjadi pada hail -100 C dimana Kristal Kristal es mulai banyak terdapat.

Karena pengaruh pengaruh arus-arus udara dan butir butir air di dalam awan maka muatan-muatan listrik tersebut makin banyak yang pada akhirnya terdapat loncatan listrik melalui molekul-molekul udara yang sebagai akibatnya menjadi pijar.arus listrik ini dapat terjadi antara :
1. Dua bagian dari sebuah awan 
2. Dari sebuah awan kea wan yang lain.
3. Antara awan dengan bumi.
Guruh adalah bunyi karena udara mendadak panas dan mengenbang ,sedang petir adalah arus langsung dari muatan-muatan listrik yang terjadi hanya dalam 0,0002-I detik.Arus listrik ini besar 1000-100.000 Amp.dalam perbedaan potensial 100.000 volt.Karemna besarnya voltase yang ditimbulkannya ,maka petir ini sangat berbahaya dan untuk pencegahannya terhadap benda benda /bangunan bangunan seperti rumah-rumah ,menara-menara kapal dan pesawat pesawat terbang dipasanglah alat alat penangkal petir.Berada di dalam rumah adalah lebih dari pada di luar terhadap petir tersebut.

Selain malapetaka yang di timbulkannya ,maka petir ini pun bermanfaat bagi kehidupan kita :

Bahwa di dalam udara terdapat 78% ghas hydrogen yang penting sebagai makanan tanam tanaman .tetapi gas ini tidak dapat di ambil langsung oleh tanaman kecualim oleh beberapa bakteri bakteri di dalam tanah.Dengan adanya udara yang pijar atau suhu yang tinggi itu, maka molekul molekul nitrogen ini dapat larut ke dalam titik air hujan dan jatuh ke bumi dalam bentuk cairan nitrogen.Cairan cairan yang dapat mengendap ke dalam tanah dengan sendirinya dapat dipergunakan oleh tanam-tanaman.
Makalah Meteorologi Dan Klimatologi


Tornado adalah angin berputar yang muncul akibat perubahan kondisi atmosfer, terutama saat terjadinya tekanan amat rendah yang mengiringi badai. Tornado merupakan salah satu kekuatan alam yang tak terduga dan menimbulkan kerusakan luar biasa.Tornado biasanya didahului oleh badai yang berwujud sambaran petir, angin kencang, dan hujan es.

Makalah Meteorologi Dan Klimatologi

Contoh tornado yang terjadi di selat Bali


A. Kesimpulan
Cuaca adalah keadaan atmosfer di suatu tempat yang dapat berubah ubah pada setiap waktu yang terjadi pada tempat yang tidak terlalu luas dan dalam waktu yang singkat,sedangkan iklim merupakan keadaan rata-rata cuaca pada wilayah yang luas dan pada waktu yang lama.Cuaca dan iklim memiliki unsur-unsur seperti penyinaran matahari, suhu udara,tekanan udara, angin,awan, kelembapan udara,curah hujan.

Namun cuaca dan iklim juga memiliki gangguan. Inilah yang disebut dengan gangguan pada cuaca dan iklim. Diantaranya adalah seperti : Efek rumah kaca, El Nino,La Nina, Thunderstorm, dan tornado. Efek rumah kaca adalah terjadinya peningkatan suhu udara di muka bumi akibat semakin banyaknya gas pencemar di dalam udara. El Nino adalah terjadinya pemanasan temperatur air laut di pantai barat Peru–Ekuador yang menyebabkan gangguan iklim secara global. La Nina adalah fenomena turunnya suhu permukaan air laut di samudra pasifik yang lebih rendah dari wilayah sekitarnya. Thunderstorm dapat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah badai local yang disertai adanya kilat dan petir yang dihasilkan oleh awan cumulonimbus (Cb) yang juga menyebabkan terjadinya gusty (angin kencang yang mendadak), hujan deras dan terkadang terdapat butiran-butiran es (hail). Tornado adalah angin berputar yang muncul akibat perubahan kondisi atmosfer, terutama saat terjadinya tekanan amat rendah yang mengiringi badai.

B. Saran
Makalah ini tentunya memiliki suatu kekurangan. Oleh karena itu diharapkan kepada pembaca untuk memberikan suatu kritik dan saran agar makalah selanjutnya yang kami buat bisa lebih baik lagi.


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Pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia Baku Dan Non Baku

Pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia Baku Dan Non Baku

1.1 Latar Belakang
Ketika mendengar seseorang berbicara di depan umum, baik di lapangan maupun di acara resmi di televisi, seperti pada saat penyampaian pidato presiden, mereka tampak begitu berwibawa dengan penggunaan bahasa yang mereka gunakan. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan banyak orang, khususnya orang awam tercengang mendengar dan ingin meniru cara berbicara model tersebut. Namun, sangatlah menggelitik ketika seseorang meniru gaya model tersebut dan mempraktekkannya dengan percaya diri ketika ingin meminta adiknya mengambil cangkir dengan mengatakan, “Tolong, adik ambilkan cangkir kepada saya”. Untuk situasi tersebut, akan lebih tepat jika mengatakan, ”ambilkan cangkir dong dek”. Demikian juga merupakan hal yang ganjil, ketika di acara peresmian sebuah instansi, pemilik instansi berkata, “perusahaan ini resmi ya saya buka bapak – bapak dan ibu-ibu”. Tepatnya jika pemilik berkata, “Kepada Bapak dan Ibu hadirin, dengan ini Saya menyatakan bahwa perusahaan ini resmi dibuka.”

Di Indonesia ditemukan berbagai ragam bahasa karena dipengaruhi oleh suku, budaya, sosial dan politik. Semakin kita memahami pemakaian ragam- ragam bahasa itu, maka komunikasi yang terjadi akan semakin efektif. Penggunaan bahasa baku banyak digunakan oleh kalangan pendidikan, baik dalam forum maupun dalam penulisan karya tulis. Mampu menggunakan bahasa baku sangatlah penting dalam berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang penting seperti atasan, orang tua, khususnya dalam komunikasi resmi negara.

1.2 Tujuan
Adapun tujuan pembuatan tulisan ini, antara lain:
a. Mengetahui jenis ragam bahasa
b. Mengetahui pengertian bahasa baku dan non baku
c. Mengetahui pengertian bahasa Indonesia baku dan non baku
d. Mengetahui fungsi dan konteks pemakaian bahasa Indonesia baku
e. Mengetahui penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan benar


2.1 Ragam Bahasa
Dalam Tata Bahasa Praktis Bahasa Indonesia, 2006, Abdul Chaer menyatakan bahwa setiap bahasa sebenarnya mempunyai ketetapan atau kesamaan dalam hal tata bunyi, tata bentuk, tata kata, tata kalimat dan tata makna. Tetapi karena berbagai faktor yang terdapat di dalam masyarakat pemakaian bahasa itu, seperti usia, pendidikan, agama, bidang kegiatan dan profesi, dan latar belakang budaya daerah, maka bahasa itu menjadi tidak seragam benar. Bahasa itu menjadi beragam. Mungkin tata bunyinya menjadi tidak persis sama, mungkin tata bentuk dan tata katanya, dan mungkin juga tata kalimatnya.

Keragaman bahasa ini terjadi juga dalam bahasa Indonesia. Akibat berbagai faktor seperti yang disebut di atas, maka bahasa Indonesia pun mempunyai ragam bahasa. Ragam bahasa Indonesia yang ada antara lain:
  1. Ragam bahasa yang bersifat perseorangan. Biasa disebut dengan istilah idiolek. Setiap orang tertentu mempunyai ragam atau “gaya” bahasa sendiri-sendiri yang sering tidak disadarinya. Perbedaan idiolek ini dapat kita lihat, sebagai contoh, “gaya” bahasa Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana, yang tidak sama dengan “gaya” bahasa Pramudya Ananta Toer.
  2. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan oleh sekelompok anggota masyarakat dari wilayah tertentu, biasanya disebut dengan istilah dialek. Misalnya ragam bahasa Indonesia di Jakarta yang jelas tidak sama dengan ragam bahasa masyarakat di Medan, di Yogyakarta, atapun di Denpasar.
  3. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan oleh sekelompok anggota masyarakat dari golongan sosial tertentu, biasanya disebut sosiolek. Misalnya ragam bahasa golongan terdidik, jelas tidak sama dengan ragam bahasa dari golongan buruh kasar, ataupun golongan masyarakat umum.
  4. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam kegiatan suatu bidang tertentu, seperti kegiatan ilmiah, jurnalistik, sastra, hukum, matematika, dan militer. Ragam bahasa ini disebut dengan istilah fungsiolek. Ragam bahasa ilmiah biasanya bersifat logis dan eksak, tetapi ragam bahasa sastra penuh kiasan dan ungkapan.
  5. Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam situasi formal atau situasi resmi, biasanya disebut dengan istilah ragam bahasa baku, baik dalam bidang fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, maupun kosa kata, biasanya digunakan secara konsisten.
  6. Ragam bahasa yang digunkan dalam situasi informal atau situasi tidak resmi, biasanya disebut dengan istilah ragam non baku atau nonstandard. Dalam ragam bahasa non baku ini, kaidah-kaidah tata bahasa biasanya tidak digunakan secara konsisten, seringkali dilanggar.
  7. Ragam bahasa yag digunakan secara lisan biasa disebut bahasa lisan. Lawannya, ragam bahasa yang digunakan secara tertulis atau yang biasa disebut bahasa tulisan atau bahasa tertulis. Ragam bahasa lisan tidak sama dengan bahasa tulisan. Bahasa lisan dalam realisasinya sering dibantu dengan mimik, gerak-gerik anggota tubuh, dan informasi ucapan. Sedangkan dalam bahasa tulisan, mimik, gerak-gerik anggota tubuh, da intonasi tidak dapat diwujudkan. Karena itu, agar komunikasi dalam bahasa tulisan dapat mencapai sasarannya dengan baik, maka harus diupayakan menyusun struktur kalimat dan penggunaan tanda-tanda baca sedemikian rupa, agar pembaca dapat menangkap bahasa tulisan itu dengan baik dan benar.
Alangkah baiknya kalau kita dapat menguasai ragam-ragam bahasa tersebut dengan baik, agar kita dapat berkomunikasi secara efektif sesuai dengan tempat dan situasi tempat ragam itu digunakan. Namun, penguasaan ragam bahasa baku tampaknya sangat dan lebih penting karena jagkauan penggunaannya lebih luas dan lebih merata. Lagi pula, ragam bahasa baku inilah yang digunakan dalam komunikasi resmi negara.

2.2 Pengertian Bahasa Baku
Dalam Barus, dkk (2014) mengemukakan, istilah bahasa baku dalam bahasa Indonesia atau standard language dalam bahasa Inggris dalam dunia ilmu bahasa atau linguistik, pertama sekali diperkenalkan oleh Vilem Mathesius pada 1926. Ia termasuk pencetus Aliran Praha atau The Prague School. Pada 1930, B. Vanvranek dan Vilem Mathesius merumuskan pengertian bahasa baku itu. Mereka berpengertian bahwa bahasa baku sebagai bentuk bahasa yang telah terkodifikasi, diterima dan difungsikan sebagai model atau acuan oleh masyarakat.

Pengertian bahasa baku di atas diikuti dan diacu oleh pakar bahasa dan pengajaran bahasa baik di barat maupun di Indonesia.Di dalam Dictionary Language and Linguistics, Hartman dan Strok berpengertian bahwa bahasa baku adalah ragam bahasa yang secara sosial lebih digandrungi dan yang sering didasarkan bahasa orang-orang berpendidikan di dalam atau di sekitar pusat kebudayaan atau suatu masyarakat bahasa.

Di dalam Sociolinguistics A Critical Survey of Theory and Aplication, Dittmar berpengertian bahwa bahasa baku adalah ragam bahasa dari suatu masyarakat bahasa yang disahkan sebagai norma keharusan bagi pergaulan sosial atas dasar kepentingan dari pihak-pihak dominan di dalam masyarakat itu. Tindakan pengesahan itu dilakukan melalui pertimbangan-pertimbangan nilai yang bermotivasi sosial politik.

Di dalam Longman Dictonary of Applied Linguistict, Richard, Jhon, dan Heidi berpengertian bahwa bahasa baku adalah ragam bahasa yang berstatus tinggi di dalam suatu masyarakat atau bagsa dan biasa didasarkan penutur asli yang berpendidikan di dalam berbicara dan menulis.

Di dalam Bahasa dan Sastra dalam Gamitan Pendidikan, Yus Rusyana berpengertian bahwa bahasa baku atau bahasa standard adalah suatu bahasa yang dikodifikasi, diterima, da dijadikan model oleh masyarakat bahasa yang lebih luas.

Di dalam Tata Bahasa Rujukan Bahasa Indonesia untuk Tingkat Pendidikan Menengah, Gorys Keraf berpengertian bahwa bahasa baku adalah bahasa yang dianggap dan diterima sebagai patokan umum untuk seluruh penutur bahasa itu.

Berdasarkan beberapa pengertian di atas, jelas bahwa bahasa baku itu adalah bentuk bahasa yang telah dikodifikasi atau ditetapkan, diterima atau difungsikan sebagai model oleh masyarakat secara luas. Di dalam pengertian bahasa baku itu terdapat tiga aspek yang saling menyatu, yaitu kodifikasi, keberterimaan, difungsikan sebagai model. Ketiganya dibahas di bawah ini.

Istilah kodifikasi berkait dengan masalah ketentuan atau ketetapan norma kebahasaan. Norma-norma kebahasaan itu berupa pedoman tata bahasa, ejaan, kamus, lafal dan istilah.

Kode kebahasaan sebagai norma itu dikaitkan juga dengan praanggapan bahwa bahasa baku itu berkeseragaman. Keseragaman kode kebahasaan diperlukan bahasa baku agar efisien, karena kaidah atau norma janga berubah setiap saat. Kodifikasi yang demikian diistilahkan oleh Moeliono sebagai kodifikasi bahasa menurut struktur bahasa sebagai sebuah sistem komunikasi.

Kodifiikasi kebahasaan juga dikaitkan dengan masalah bahasa menurut situasi pemakai dan pemakaian bahasa. Kodifikas ini akan menghasilkan ragam bahasa. Perbedaan bahasa itu tampak dalam pemakaian bahasa lisan dant tulis. Dengan demikian kodifikasi kebahasaan bahasa baku akan tampak dalam pemakaian bahasa baku.

Bahasa baku atau bahasa standar itu harus diterima dan berterima bagi masyarakat bahasa. Penerimaan ini sebagai lanjutan dari kodifikasi bahasa baku. Dengan penerimaan bahasa ini bahasa baku mempunyai kekuatan untuk mempersatukan dan menyimbolkan masyarakat bahasa baku.

Bahasa baku itu difungsikan atau dipakai sebagai model atau acuan oleh masyarakat secara luas. Acuan itu dijadikan ukuran yang disepakati secara umum tentang kode bahasa dan kode pemakaian bahasa di dalam situasi tertentu atau pemakaian bahasa tertentu.

Ketiga aspek yang terdapat di dalam konsep bahasa baku itu kodifikasi, keberterimaan, difungsikan atau dipakai sebagai model, berkesatuan utuh dan saling berkait, baik dalam menentukan kode bahasa maupun kode pemakaian bahasa baku. 

Bahasa baku dalam Hasjim (1980) adalah bahasa yang diucapkan atau ditulis berdasarkan aturan-aturan atau norma-norma yang telah disepakati oleh masyarakat pemakainya. Pembakuan bahasa itu menyangkut masalah kosa kata atau peristilahan, dan struktur kalimat. Penggunaan bahasa baku itu haruslah disesuaikan dengan situasi pemakainya.

Ide tentang standarisasi atau pembakuan bahasa itu adalah paralel dan merupakan salah satu segi dari jangkauan yang akan dicapai oleh perencanaan bahasa dan kebijaksanaan bahasa. Sedangkan tujuan akhir dari usaha itu ialah untuk memperoleh alat komunikasi yang sebaik-baiknya dan seefisien-efisiennya di dalam segala kegiatan hidup dan aktivitas sosial pemakainya.

Sebenarnya masalah kebakuan bahasa atau kestandaran bahasa sendiri merupakan hasil dari suatu proses, yang dapat terjadi lewat dua macam cara yaitu: kebakuan yang diperoleh karena proses alami (natural), dan kebakuan yang merupakan akibat atau hasil dari suatu perencanaan (artifisial). Kebakuan alami diperoleh secara alamiah, merupakan akibat dari suatu proses yang terjadi di dalam bahasa sendiri, tanpa pengarahan apapun yang sifatnya disengaja. Kebakuan artifisial ialah kebakuan bahasa yang direncanakan kebakuan sebagai hasil usaha manusia. Kebijaksanaan ini diambil karena adanya asumsi, bahwa betapa pun orang yakin akan adanya aturan yang dialami pada setiap bahasa, pada hal-hal tertentu dan peristiwa-peristiwa tertentu tidak jarang bahasa menunjukkan ketidakteraturannya. 

Baik kebakuan alami maupun kebakuan sebagai hasil perencanaan masing-masing mengandung kebaikan dan kelemahan.kebaikan kebakuan alami terletak pada kealamiahannya. Dengan membiarkan bahasa membakukan dirinya sendiri berarti membiarkan bahasa itu berkembang sesuai dengan sifat hakikinya.Sedangkan kelemahan kebakuan macam ini ialah, tidak adanya ketentuan dan kepastian sampai kapan kebakuan seperti itu dapat diperoleh.

Apa yang diuraikan tentang perencanaan dan kebijaksanaan bahasa di atas, sebagian besar memberi gambaran tentang kebaikan-kebaikan adanya kebakuan bahasa akibat suatu perencanaan. Sedangkan kelemahannya antara lain ialah, kebakuan yang diperoleh dengan cara ini sering kali terasa tidak wajar, setengah dipaksakan dan kadang-kadang kurang dapat diterima. Akibat dari itu semua ialah, tidak jarang kebakuan semacam itu hanya berhenti sampai kepada peraturan saja. (Suhendar. 1994)

2.3 Pengertian Bahasa Nonbaku
Dalam Barus, dkk (2014) mengemukakan, istilah bahasa nonbaku ini terjemahan dari ‘nonstandard langugae’. Istilah bahasa nonstandard ini sering disinonimkan dengan istilah “ragam subbaku”, “bahasa nonstandar”, “ragam tak baku”, “bahasa tidak baku”, “ragam nonstandar”. 

Ricards, Jhon dan Heidi berpengertian bahwa bahasa nonstandard adalah bahasa yang digunakan dalam berbicara dan menulis yang berbeda pelafalan, tata bahasa, dan kosa kata dari bahasa baku dari suatu bahasa sedangkan Crystal berpengertian bahwa bahasa nonbaku adalah bentuk bahasa yang tidak memenuhi norma baku, yang dikelompokkan sebagai subbaku atau non baku.

Suharianto berpengertian bahwa bahasa nonstandard atau bahasa tidak baku adalah salah satu variasi bahasa yang tetap hidup dan berkembang sesuai fungsinya, yaitu dalam pemakaian tidak resmi.

Alwasilah berpengertian bahwa bahasa tidak baku adalah bentuk bahasa yang biasa memakai kata-kata atau ungkapan, struktur kalimat, ejaan dan pengucapan yang tidak biasa dipakai oleh mereka yang tidak berpendidikan.

Berdasarkan beberapa pengertian di atas, jelas bahwa bahasa nonstandard adalah ragam bahasa yang berkode bahasa yag berbeda dengan kode bahasa baku, dan dipergunakan di lingkungan tidak resmi

2.4 Pengertian Bahasa Indonesia Baku dan Nonbaku
Dalam Barus, dkk (2014) mengemukakan , bahasa Indonesia baku adalah salah satu ragam bahasa Indonesia yang bentuk bahasanya telah dikodifikasi, diterima dan difungsikan atau dipakai sebagai model oleh masyarakat Indonesia secara luas.

Bahasa Indonesia nonbaku adalah salah satu ragam bahasa Indonesia yang tidak dikodifikasi, tidak diterima dan tidak difungsikan sebagai model masyarakat Indonesia secara luas, tetapi dipakai oleh masyarakat secara khusus.

2.5 Fungsi Bahasa Indonesia Baku
Dalam Hasan Alwi, dkk (2003) mengemukakan bahasa Indonesia baku mendukung empat fungsi, tiga diantaranya bersifat pelambang atau simbolik, sedangkan yang satu lagi bersift objektif: (1) fungsi pemersatu, (2) fungsi pemberi kekhasan, (3) fungsi pembawa kewibawan, dan (4) fungsi sebagai kerangka acuan.

Bahasa Indonesia bakumemperhubungkan semua penutur berbagai dialek bahasa itu. Dengan demikian bahasa baku mempersatukan mereka menjadi satu masyarakat bahasa dan meningkatkan proses identifikasi penutur orang seorang dengan seluruh masyarakat itu. Bahasa Indonesia ragam tulisan yang di terbitkan di Jakarta selaku pusat pembangunan agaknya dapat diberikan predikat pendukung fungsi pemersatu. Bahkan banyak orang bukan saja tidak sadar akan adanya dialek (geografis) bahasa Indonesia, melainkan menginginkan juga keadaan utopia yang hanya mengenal satu ragam bahasa Indonesia untuk seluruh penutur dari Sabang sampai Merauke.

Kedua, Barus, dkk (2014) bahwa bahasa Indonesia baku berfungsi sebagai penanda kepribadian. Bahasa Indonesia baku merupakn ciri khas yang membedakannya dengan bahasa-bahasa lainnya. Bahasa Indonesia baku memperkuat perasaan kepribadian nasional masyarakat bahasa Indonesia baku. Dengan bahasa Indonesia baku kita menyatakan identitas kita. Bahasa Indonesia baku berbeda dengan bahasa Melayu di Singapura dan Brunai Darussalam. Bahasa Indonesia baku dianggap sudah berbeda dengan bahasa Melayu Riau yang menjadi induknya.

Ketiga, bahasa Indonesia baku berfungsi sebagai penambah wibawa. Pemilikan bahasa Indonesia baku akan membawa prestise. Fungsi pembawa wibawa berkaitan dengan usaha mencapai kesederajatan dengan peradaban lain yang dikagumi melalui pemerolehan bahasa baku. Di samping itu, pemakaian bahasa yang mahir berbahasa Indonesia yang baku “dengan baik dan benar” memperoleh wibawa di mata orang lain. Gengsi juga melekat pada bahasa Indonesia karena ia dipergunakan oleh masyarakat yang berpengaruh yang menambah wibawa pada setiap orang yang mampu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia baku.

Keempat, bahasa Indonesia baku berfungsi sebagai kerangka acuan. bahasa Indonesia baku berfungsi sebagai kerangka acuan bagi pemakainya dengan adanya norma atau kaidah yang dikodifikasi secara jelas. Norma atau kaidah bahasa Indonesia baku itu menjadi tolak ukur pemakaian bahasa Indonesia baku secara benar. Oleh karena itu, penilaian pemakaian bahas Indonesia baku dapat dilakukan. Norma atau kaidah bahasa Indonesia baku juga menjadi acuan umum bagi pemakaian bahasa yang menarik perhatian karena bentuknya yang khas, seperti bahasa ekonomi, bahasa hukum, bahasa sastra, bahasa iklan, bahasa media massa, surat-menyurat resmi, bentuk surat keputusan, undangan, pengumuman, kata-kata sambutan, ceramah, dan pidato.

2.6 Bahasa Indonesia Sebagai Bahasa Negara
Di dalam hubungan dengan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa negara, istilah “bahasa resmi” sengaja tidak dipakai didalam makalah ini. Penghindaran istilah “bahasa resmi” itu disebabkan oleh kenyataan bahwa tidak semua bahasa resmi adalah bahasa negara.

Salah satu fungsi bahasa Indonesia di dalam kedudukannya sebagai bahasa negara adalah pemakaiannya sebagai bahasa resmi kenegaraan. Di dalam hubungan dengan fungsi ini, bahasa Indonesia dipakai di dalam segala upacara dan kegiatan kenegaraan baik secara lisan maupun dalam bentuk tulisan.

Dokumen-dokumen dan keputusan-keputusan serta surat-menyurat yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah dan badan-badan kenegaraan lainnya seperti Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dan Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia. Pidato-pidato, terutama pidato kenegaraan, ditulis dan diucapkan dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hanya di dalam keadaan tertentu, demi kepentingan komunikasi antar bangsa, kadang-kadang pidato resmi ditulis dan diucapkan di dalam bahasa asing, terutama bahasa Inggris.

Untuk melaksanakan fungsinya sebagai bahasa resmi kenegaraan dengan sebaik-baiknya, pemakaian bahasa Indonesi di dalam pelaksanaan administrasi pemerintahan perlu senantiasa dibina dan dikembangkan, penguasaan bahasa Indonesia perlu dijadikan salah satu faktor yang menentukan didalam pengembangan ketenagaan seperti penerimaan karyawan baru, kenaikan pangkat baik sipil maupun militer, dan pemberian tugas-tugas khusus baik di dalam maupun luar negeri.

Akhirnya, di dalam kedudukannya sebagai bahasa negara, bahasa Indonesia berfungsi sebagai alat pengembangan kebudayaan nasional, ilmu pengetahuan, dan teknologi. Di dalam hubungan ini, bahasa Indonesia adalah satu-satunya alat yang memungkikan kita membina serta mengembangkan kebudayaan nasional sedemikian rupa sehingga memiliki ciri-ciri dan identitasnya sendiri, yang membedakannya dari kebudayaan daerah. Pada waktu yang sama, bahasa Indoesia kita digunakan sebagai alat untuk menyatakan nilai-nilai sosial budaya nasional kita.

2.7 Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Bahasa Nasional
Fungsi bahasa di dalam hubungan ini adalah nilai pemakaian bahasa yang dirumuskan sebagai tugas pemakaian bahasa itu di dalam kedudukan yang diberikan kepadanya. Yang dimaksud dengan kedudukan bahasa adalah status relatif bahasa sebagai sistem lambing nilai budaya, yang dirumuskan atas dasar nilai sosial yang dihubungkan dengan bahasa yang bersangkutan.

Perumusan fungsi dan kedudukan bahasa Indonesia diperlukan oleh karena perumusan itu memungkinkan kita mengadakan pembedaan antara fungsi dan kedudukan bahasa Indoesia diperlukan oleh karena perumusan itu memungkinkan kita mengadakan pembedaan antara fungsi dan kedudukan bahasa Indonesia pada satu pihak serta fungsi dan kedudukan bahasa-bahasa lain, baik bahasa-bhasa daerah yang hidup sebagai unsure kebudayaan kita maupun bahasa-bahasa asing yang dipakai di Indonesia.

Didalam kedudukannya sebagai bahasa nasional, bahasa Indonesia berfungsi sebagai (1) lambang kebanggaan bangsa, (2) lambang identitas nasional, (3) alat yang memungkinkan penyatuan berbagai suku bangsa dengan latar belakang sosial budaya dan bahasanya masing-masing ke dalam kesatuan kebangsaan Indonesia, dan (4) alat perhubungan antar daerah dan antar budaya (Suhendar. 1994).

2.8 Konteks Pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia Baku
Dalam Barus, dkk (2014) mengemukakan bahasa Indonesia baku dipakai di dalam beberapa konteks. Pertama dalam komunikasi resmi, yaitu dalam surat- menyurat resmi atau dinas, pengumuman-pengumuman yang dikeluarkan oleh instansi resmi, perundang-undangan, penamaan dan peristilahan resmi. Kedua, dalam wacana teknis yaitu, dalam laporan resmi dan dan karangan ilmiah berupa makalah, skripsi, tesis, disertasi, dan laporan hasil penelitian. Ketiga, dalam pembicaraan di depan umum, yaitu ceramah, kuliah dan khotbah. Keempat, dalam pembicaraan dengan orang yang dihormati, yaitu atasan dan bawahan di dalam kantor, siswa dan guru di kelas atau di sekolah di pertemuan-pertemuan resmi, mahasiswa dan dosen di ruang perkuliahan.

Di dalam konteks pertama dan kedua didukung oleh bahasa Indonesia baku tulis. Konteks ketiga dan keempat didukung oleh bahasa Indonesia baku lisan. Di luar konteks itu dipergunakan bahasa Indonesia nonstandard.


3.1 Kesimpulan
Ragam bahasa yang digunakan dalam situasi formal atau situasi resmi, biasanya disebut dengan istilah ragam bahasa baku, baik dalam bidang fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, maupun kosa kata, biasanya digunakan secara konsisten sedangkan ragam bahasa yang digunkan dalam situasi informal atau situasi tidak resmi, biasanya disebut dengan istilah ragam non baku atau nonstandard. Dalam ragam bahasa non baku ini, kaidah-kaidah tata bahasa biasanya tidak digunakan secara konsisten, seringkali dilanggar.Bahasa Indonesia baku adalah salah satu ragam bahasa Indonesia yang bentuk bahasanya telah dikodifikasi, diterima dan difungsikan atau dipakai sebagai model oleh masyarakat Indonesia secara luas sedangkan bahasa Indonesia nonbaku adalah salah satu ragam bahasa Indonesia yang tidak dikodifikasi, tidak diterima dan tidak difungsikan sebagai model masyarakat Indonesia secara luas, tetapi dipakai oleh masyarakat secara khusus.

Bahasa Indonesia baku mempunyai empat fungsi, tiga diantaranya bersifat pelambang atau simbolik, sedangkan yang satu lagi bersift objektif: (1) fungsi pemersatu, (2) fungsi pemberi kekhasan, (3) fungsi pembawa kewibawan, dan (4) fungsi sebagai kerangka acuan. Konteks penggunaan bahasa Indonesia baku lazim digunakan dalam komunikasi resmi, wacana teknis, pembicaraan di depan umum dan pembicaraan dengan orang yang dihormati. 

3.2 Saran
Sebagai bentuk kebanggaan kita kepada bahasa Indonesia kiranya bahasa baku dapat diterapkan dalam komunikasi resmi, wacana teknis, pembicaraan di depan umum dan pembicaraan dengan orang yang dihormati. 


  1. Alwi, Hasan, dkk . 2003.Tata Bahasa Buku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : Balai Pustaka
  2. Barus, Sanggup, dkk . 2014. Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia. Medan: Unimed Press.
  3. Chaer, Abdul. 2006. Tata Bahasa Praktis Bahasa Indonesia.Jakarta : PT. Asdi Mahasatya.
  4. Suhendar, Pien dan Supinah. 1994. Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa Indonesia. Bandung :CV. Pionir Jaya
  5. Hasjim, Nafron dan Nurbaiti Djamalus. 1980. Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.Jakarta : Sinar Hudaya
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The Effect Of Reap Strategy On Students’ Reading Comprehension In Reading Descriptive Text

The Effect Of Reap Strategy On Students’ Reading Comprehension In Reading Descriptive Text

1.1 Background of the Study
Language is a tool for us to communicate one each another. We know many languages all over in the world. And one of the languages that are very important as international language is English. People in some countries speak English as their first language and others use it as their foreign language like in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the country in which English is used as a foreign language. Therefore, English is taught from elementary school level until university. 

There are four skills in English, those are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing and speaking are as productive skills; and reading and listening are as receptive skills, in this writing the researcher focuses on reading. Reading is a way to know the world because reading can give knowledge as a medium of getting information. According to Hilman (1960:50), reading is a language process requiring the understanding of written language. Some information and knowledge can be achieved through reading. It requires ability to comprehend the text, especially the texts are written in English language. It means the readers are not only able to read the text but also be able to find out the point of information or the idea of the text. Beside, the reader should be able to get and interpret ideas from the text that they read. Reading is important skills in learning English to be mastered by the students besides the other skills. According to Wineburgh (2001:80) in Maya (2011:1), reading is not merely a way to learn new information but becomes a way to engage in new kinds of thinking. It means that when the students reading something (such as; books, article, news, paper and etc) is not a way to get new information. Because, if the students do not understand from what have they read, they cannot get something. So, it can make the students think hard how to get the information from they read based on the way of thinking. 

In educational examination, the students must be able to comprehend the meaning of the texts in form of recount, descriptive, procedure, report and etc in context of daily life. It can be concluded that it is very important for students to master reading comprehension in order to enable them to get success in reading learning process.

Based on the fact, we found that almost students got difficulties and bored in getting information or the main idea of a text in their text book. It caused by some factors such as; first, the teaching method that teacher applied in teaching reading is not effective. The teaching method that the teacher frequently used is translation method. The teacher asks the students to underline some difficult words. Then find the meaning of the difficult words in Indonesian language. After all, the students are asked to translate the meaning of the text, then they are instructed to answer comprehension question in read the reading text. Second, students are not motivated to know about the material given to them. Third, students find that they are still lack of vocabularies and grammar. Another reason why students have to master reading comprehension is most of national examination contents are related to reading, since English as a foreign language any information were shared through reading activity. To make easy in reading comprehension we have many strategies to apply it. One strategy that very famous in reading comprehension is the technique called SQ3R. This stands for survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. By using SQ3R technique we can easy to understanding the text and help the students to get important information and idea of the text.

Another strategy for reading comprehension that the writer interest to use is called REAP strategy. This stands for; Read, Encode, Annotate, and Ponder. According to Eanet and Manzo (1976), REAP was among the earliest strategies develop to stress of thinking and reading. By using this strategy makes the students capable in reading comprehension. This strategy helps the students to understand the text and the students can catch information from the text and get idea of the text which they read. 

By using the REAP strategy the teachers hope if this strategy affect the students’ reading comprehension to get idea and information of the text. It is guaranteed that this strategies effective to affect students’ reading comprehension and explore students’ understanding about the topic as well as detail information from the text by using their own words.


2.1 Reading
In study English Reading is important skills to be mastered by the students besides the other skills. According to Heilman, (1981:4), reading is an active and ongoing process that is affected directly by an individual’s interaction with his environment. Nunan (2003:68) states that reading is a fluent process or readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build meaning. Wineburgh (2001:80) in Purba (2012:6) states that reading is not merely a way to learn new information but becomes a way to engage in new kinds of thinking. It means that when the students reading something (such as; books, article, newspaper and etc) is not a way to get new information. Because the students do not understand from what they read, they cannot get something. So, it can make the students think hard how to get the information from they read based on the way of thinking. Othman (2003:3) in Maya (2011:6) states that reading process is interaction between text and reader’s imagination. Therefore, readers need three aspects, making prediction, thinking of the text that it is even of life and having similarity to the human life.

2.2 The Purposes of Reading
Students must have a purpose when they are reading because students who are reading with a purpose they can’t comprehend the text and know what they read better than those who have no purpose in reading. According to Grabe and Stoller (2002:13-15) the purposes of reading are classified into:

2.2.1 Reading to Learn From Text.
Reading to learn typically occurs in academic and professional contexts in which a person needs to learn a considerable amount of information of a text. Reading to learn is usually carried out at a reading rate somewhat slower than general reading comprehension (primarily due to rereading and reflection) strategies to help remember information.

2.2.2 Reading to Search for Simple Information and Reading to Skim.
Reading to search for simple information is a common reading ability though some researchers see it as a relatively independent cognitive process. It is used so often in reading task that it is probably best seen as a type of reading ability. Similarly, reading to skim to is a common part of many reading task and a useful skill in its own right. It involves, in essence a combination of strategies for guessing where important information might be in the text, and then using basic reading comprehension skills on those segments of the text until a general idea is formed.

2.2.2 Reading for General Comprehension.
Reading for general comprehension is the most basic purpose for general. Underlying and supporting most other purposes for reading. General reading comprehension is actually more complex than commonly assumed. Reading for general information requires very rapid automatic processing of word, strong skills in forming a general meaning representation of main ideas and efficient coordination of many processes under very limited time constraints.

2.2.4 Reading to Integrate Information, Write and Critique Text.
Reading to integrate information requires additional decisions about the relative importance of complementary, mutually supporting or conflicting information and the likely restructuring of a rhetorical frame to accommodate information from multiple sources. Both reading to write and reading to critique text require abilities to compose, select and critique information from a text.

2.3 The Process of Reading
The process of reading is refer to the process a person goes through to learn how to read. According to Nunan (2003:70), the models of reading processes can divided into three categories: Bottom-up Modes, Top-Down Models, and Interactive Models. 

1. Bottom-up Model
The bottom up model typically consist of lower-level reading processes. Students start with the fundamental basics of letter and sound recognition, which in turn allows for morpheme recognition followed by word recognition, building up to the identification of grammatical features, sentences, and longer texts. Letters, letter clusters, words, phrases, sentences, longer text, and finally meaning is the order in achieving comprehension.

2. Top-Down Model
The top down model, on the other hand, begin with the idea that comprehension resides in the reader. The reader uses background knowledge, makes prediction, and searches the text to confirm or reject the predictions that are made. A passage can thus be understood even if all of the individual words are not understood. Within a top-down approach to reading the teacher should focus on meaning generating activities rather than on mastery of word recognition. In top-down model the reader begins with the largest elements and works down towards smaller elements to build comprehension of what is being read.

3. Interactive Model
This third type combines elements of both bottom-up and top-down models assuming “that a pattern is synthesized based on information provided simultaneously from several knowledge sources” (Stanovich and Murtagh (1989) as quoted by Nunan (2003:70) stresses that the best second language readers are those who can “efficiently integrate” both bottom-up and top-down processes.

2.4 Reading Comprehension 
We know many purposes of Reading, and one the purpose of reading program is should be aimed to increase students’ comprehension abilities. The important factor that influences the ability students reading comprehension is based on their background experience. Anderson and Pearson (1984) as quoted by cook (2003:12) that comprehension involves connecting text material with facts, concepts, and beliefs already held by the reader and ordering the information into categorized variously termed frames, scripts, or schema. Langer and Smith-Burke (1982) as quoted by Cook (2003:11) stated that the comprehension process is thus active and dynamic, with readers making inferences accommodating new understanding to previous learning, and adjusting reading rate and strategies to varying requirements of the text, the reading context, and the purpose for reading.

According to Cook (2003:11), reading comprehension is determined by: what the reader brings to the act of reading comprehension, ways the printed text has been written and organized by the author, the learning context that defines the task and purpose of the reader and reading environment, strategies the reader consciously applies to achieve comprehension. Heilman, Blair, et al (1981:242) stated that reading comprehension is best viewed as a multifaceted process affected by several thinking and language abilities.

The reader may comprehend a text when they can: recognize the words and sentences of the text and know what the meaning is (obtain literal meaning), associate meaning both denotative and connotative from personal experiences and prior knowledge with the printed text, recognize how all these meanings and/or his perceptions of them fit together contextually, make value judgment about the reading experience. Reader has to find the idea that influence of the quality of their reading comprehension. In another word, reading comprehension is as the interaction between thought and language.

2.5 Levels of Reading Comprehension
The following levels of Reading comprehension can tell us about how the students understand teaching materials and which level that has been achieved when they are reading. And levels that very suitable in students’ reading comprehension in senior high school is literal comprehension because in literal comprehension students able to understand the ideas of information from the passage or the text. According to Heilman (1981:246) there are three levels of comprehension that must be achieved in reading comprehension. Three levels of reading comprehension are identified as below:

1. Literal Comprehension
Reading for literal comprehension emphasizes the understanding the ideas of information clearly stated in the passage. It requires the ability of: 1. Knowledge of words meanings, 2. Recall of details directly stated or paraphrased in own words. 3. Understanding of grammatical clues-subject, verb, pronouns, conjunction, 4. Recall of main idea clearly and, 5. Knowledge of sequence of information presented in passage.

2. Interpretive Comprehension
Reading for interpretative comprehension emphasizes the understanding of ideas and information not clearly stated in the passage of the text. It requires the ability of: 1. Reason with information presented to understand the author’s tone, purpose, and attitude, 2. Infer factual information, main ideas, comparisons, cause-effect relationship not explicitly stated in the passage, 3. Summarization of story in the content.

3. Critical Comprehension
In the level of critical reading comprehension; the students can analyze, evaluate, and personally reaching to information presented in a passage. And also there are two abilities, namely personally reaching to information in a passage indicating its meaning to the reader and also analyzing and evaluating the quality of written information in terms of some standard. It can be concluded that critical reading includes the ability into distinguish between the fact and opinion, to evaluate the accuracy and the appropriateness of the information given in the text, to recognize persuasive statement.

In this study there will be limited and focused on literal and interpretative comprehension because of based on curriculum that both these levels appropriate for the students in order students can understand about reading material and achieve literal and interpretative comprehension.

2.6 Descriptive Text
Pardiyono (2006:165) states that descriptive is one of the writing types, besides of narrative, recount, report, discussion, explanation, exposition, procedure, anecdote and exposition. Descriptive text is a description of an object, both living things and dead things, including human and animals.

According to Stanley (1988), mentions that description presents the appearance of things that occupy space, whether they are objects, people, buildings or cities. According to Gerot (1994), descriptive text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information and to describe. Social function of descriptive text is to present (at least) two points of view about an issue or to describe a particular person, place or things or to describe the characteristic or condition of an object either person or thing by using adjective or attribute. 

And generic structure of the descriptive text, they are: Identification (Identifies phenomenon to be described), description (describes parts, qualities, characteristics). From the explanation above, it can be concluded that descriptive text is a text which describes one object or thing clearly based of view, experience, and feeling of the writer to bring the reader can see, feel, and understand about the object. According to Siahaan and Shinoda (2008:89), there are four language features of descriptive text, they are:
1. Focus on specific participants.
2. Use of attribute and identifying process
3. Frequent use of Epithets and classifiers in nominal group.
4. Use of simple present tense.

2.7 Read-Encode-Annotate-Ponder (REAP) Strategy
Then, Manzo and Manzo (1990:221) in Susanti (2011:2), says that REAP this strategy provides the concept to make bridge comprehension between the author’s words and their own words to enable them to communicate their understanding of the text. Steps in students use of REAP: R: Read to discern the writer’s message, E: Encode the message by translating it into your own language, A: Annotate by cogently writing the message in notes for yourself or in a thought book to share with others, P: Ponder, or reflect, on what you have read and written, first introspectively and then by sharing and discussing it with others and as a story aid in test preparation. 

According to Manzo and Albee (2002) in Marantika (2013:72), the REAP strategy has four steps to be followed. First Read, when students read the text, the second Encode, when students take the main ideas in their own language. The next step is annotated, when the students, take a note in a piece of paper about the text. The last step is ponder, in this step the students discuss with the friends or the member of the group and make the brief summary and moral value from the text they have read. Here, by using REAP strategy, the readers do not need to understand all of the meaning of every word in the text. In REAP strategy the students can use their own language in take the content of a Descriptive text.

In conclusion, this strategy guides the students to understanding the text and to make the connections about what they have read. In order to this strategy synthesize the students thinking to improve their comprehension for active reading.

2.8 The Advantages of Applying REAP Strategy
According Marantika (2013:76), the uses of the REAP strategy in teaching reading have some advantages as follow:
  • By using REAP strategy the students can comprehend the text with the new innovation in reading, not just by answering question like before.
  • In REAP strategy the students can understand Descriptive without trying hard to understand the meaning of each word in that text.
  • In this strategy the students can develop their ability in encoding a text in their own language in Encode phase.
  • In this strategy the student also can develop their skill in writing the annotation in annotate phase.
  • By using REAP strategy the student can share their idea with their friend in group about the content of text in Ponder activity.
2.9 Theoretical Framework
Reading is one of the language skills of language learning. So, reading is one of English language skills considered important for students’ growth as an individual in many aspects of life. Based on its importance, it is taught more emphasize compared to other language skills. In reading comprehension, the students are served as many instruction tasks varies in levels of comprehension from the lower into higher as it is stated previously. Many students feel if reading subject is very difficult. This information came from the teachers that teaching English. So, many students’ reading score is low. To solve this problem the teacher must use a strategy to increase reading comprehension of the students.

Strategy is expected to minimize the difficulties faced when the students are provided with this kind of reading. In this study, REAP is one of some strategy selected to use. In REAP, the students help themselves to read well and more rapidly by selected what is important idea that they get in the text.

In conclusion, this strategy guides the students to understanding the text and to make the connections about what they have read. In order to this strategy synthesize the students thinking to improve their comprehension for active reading. In another word by use the interactive REAP Strategy develops students’ reading comprehension

  1. Best, J. (2002). Research in Education. New Delhi: Prentice
  2. Blair, H. (1981). Principles and Practices of teaching Reading. USA: Bell and Howell.
  3. Brown, D. (2004). Language Assessment: Principles and Classroom Practices.San Fransisco: Longman
  4. Cathlin. (2014). Journal of English Language Teaching. keefektifan strategi reap.
  5. (reading, encoding, annotating, pondering) dalam pembelajaran membaca pemahaman siswa.12(2), 12-15.
  6. Cook, D. (2003). A Guide to Curriculum Planning in Reading. Madison: 
  7. Winconsin Department of Public Instruction.
  8. Eanet, M. G. and Manzo, A. V. (1976). REAP - A strategy for improving reading study skills: Journal of Reading, 19, 647. 
  9. Gerot. (1994). Cs11 trials and tribble-ations review. Accessed March 11, 2014.Handout book.
  10. Grabe, W; Stoller F. (2002). Teaching and Researching Reading. Britain: Pearson Education
  11. Harmer, J. (2007). How to teach English. Egland: Pearson Education
  12. Marantika, J. (2013). Journal of English Language Teaching. The REAP Strategy for Teaching: Reading a Narrative Text to Junior High School Students .77 (1), 70-77.
  13. Nunan, D. (2003). Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
  14. Rahmadhani, M. (2011). A Thesis: Improving students’ Reading Comprehension 
  15. Achievement through REAP Strategy. Medan. Unpublished
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The Fffect of English electronic book on the Students

The Fffect of English electronic book on the Students

1.1 Background of the Problem
In learning English, students are expected to be able to master all language skills of English; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is based on the goal of teaching English. To be able to use English well, reading is one of the important skills. English reading becomes a more and more important in intenational communication. However, teachers of English often ignore the importance of reading in the classroom. Whereas, students need reading skill to get information from books, magazines, novels, essays, and internet. Therefore, the need for reading and taking out the information from various text above seems to be extremely important.

English is taught as a foreign language in Indonesia. Therefore, there are some problems in teaching reading. One of the problems that can be found is the media used by the teachers. Many kinds of teaching media may result bad or negative effects on students’ reading skill. So many students are hard to get the idea or meaning of the text. Another problem is lack of the students’ participation in the classroom. For example when the teacher dominates the activity in the classroom, the students may feel like they do not have enough chance to participate actively. The lack of participation may result in lack of motivation. And lack of motivation may influence students’ achievement on reading comprehension

Reading involves many skills to reach proficiency and requires students to effectively use these skills like language dynamics, writing styles, vocabulary, spelling skills, and reading comprehension strategies. Students need to be strong in all the areas of reading and the only way to grow as a reader and be successful is by practice. A student’s motivation to read is a critical factor in getting him involved in reading and improving his reading comprehension. 

Based on the researcher’s experiences, it was found that the students were still confused in determining the main idea of the text, making reference and inference, finding synonyms and vocabulary. From the teacher’s information in that school, it was reported that most of students still had problems in comprehending the text. Many students got under the KKM and they had difficulties to comprehending the English text.

One of the problems may be that the students feel bored because the media used by the teacher are monotonous. There are many students who felt sleepy when the teacher explained the materials. It may be because the teachers do not use interesting media in the class. It is necessary for English teacher to make reading materials more interesting and motivating so that the students can progress in reading. If their motivation is good in reading comprehension then it will influence their achievement also. 

Based on the statement above, the writer used English electronic book in teaching reading comprehension. English electronic book is a media that can be used and useful in increasing students’ motivation in reading comprehension and make the students active during the learning process .

Electronic books, or e-books (also referred to as talking picture books, CD-ROM story books, interactive books, or digital books) are stories in a digital format that can be viewed on a computer or an electronic reading device. The text and illustrations are similar to traditional print books, but electronic books may also incorporate hypermedia such as sounds, animations, highlighted text, music, and narration. Electronic books are multisensory in that readers are presented with visual images, sounds, and buttons to touch to navigate through the pages.

Furthermore, this research will be focused on the effect of English electronic book on the students’ motivation and achievement on reading comprehension. The researcher used this media to investigate how does the English electronic book affect the students motivation when they study about reading comprehension in the class room.

1.2. Identification of the problems
In relation to background of the problem above, the following problems can be identified: 
  1. The students get difficulties in comprehending the reading text, finding the main idea, getting information from the text, finding the details, finding synonyms or antonyms in particular words, getting the answer to the questions based on the text and making inference from the text. Based on Pre-Observation, in learning process, the teachers only apply the same media for all types of reading texts. 
  2. The teacher do not realize the appropriate media of teaching reading especially which deals with active learning which needs to be applied in various types of text the students’ interaction. 
  3. In learning process, the teachers only apply the same media ( traditional books) . The result is that the students do not have any ideas in their mind of their reading. And they feel bored esily. 
1.3. Limitation of the Problem
In line with the identification of the problems, the focus of the research was on the teaching reading comprehension using English electronic book. The writer assumed that the English electronic book can affect students motivation and their achievement on reading comprehension. 

1.4. Formulation of the Problems
  1. Based on the limitation of the problem above, the researcher formulates the research problems as follows: 
  2. Does English electronic book significantly affect students’ motivation and achievement on reading comprehension? 
  3. How does English electronic book affect the students’ motivation and achievement on reading comprehension? 

1.5. Objectives of the Research
Based on the formulation of the problems above, objectives of the research is as follows : 
  1. To find out whether there are any effects of English text book to students’ motivation and achievement on reading comprehension. 
  2. To investigate how does English electronic book affect students’ motivation and achievement on reading comprehension. 

1.6. Significances of the Research

The results of this study are expected to be beneficial both theoretically and practically elaborated in the following section.

The results of the research are expected to support theories dealing with the effect of English text book on students’ motivation and achievement on reading comprehension in as discussed in chapter 2 

The results of this research are expected to give information to the English teachers, how to choose appropriate media especially in teaching reading comprehension so that the students will have strong motivation on reading comprehension.


In this chapter the writer , the writer would like to disscuss some theories related to the study. The theories focus on the general concept of reading comprehension, motivation, achievement and English text book. 

2.1. Reading comprehension
Reading comprehension is the process of making meaning from text. The goal, therefore, is to gain an overall understanding of what is described in the text rather than to obtain meaning from isolated words or sentences. another definition o f reading comprehension may expand on the aforementioned one. Not only does reading comprehension at the most basic level include mastery o f “the basic decoding skills that serve to attach meaning to written symbols” (Wagner & Sternberg, 1987), but it also encompasses the prior knowledge of the reader. 

In addition to these skills, reading comprehension may also entail “the ability to determine how and where to apply one’s reading resources in order to maximally reach one’s goals in a comprehension given situation ” (Wagner & Sternberg, 1987), In other words, beyond the mechanical skills o f reading and the application of the reader’s prior knowledge and experience, a reader also needs to know what is to be done with the information he or she is processing. Along with that knowledge is the idea that even shallow comprehension may not be taking place. 

If a reader “understands all of the words and sentence, but fails to grasp the gist of a text,” (Just & Carpenter, 1987) then they are only comprehending the most superficial of meanings of the written word. Many times, the cause o f such shallow comprehension is the reader’s prior knowledge of a topic or lack thereof. It can be said then, that “those portions of a text that are more important to a reader’s goals are read more carefully, and this selectivity in reading contributes to the levels effect in recall” (Just & Carpenter, 1987). 

How prior knowledge is used by a reader though, can hinge upon the type of reading task at hand. If “readers know that their recall will be tested, then they spend more time on the sentences that contain new facts; subsequently, they can recall the sentences with new facts just as well as the sentences with old facts (Just &Carpcnter,1987). 

Since reading comprehension is so critical in terms of academic success, it can be argued that that motivating a student to read is equally crucial. In order to understand the significance o f what is read one must be a critical reader. Critical readers have the ability to “move forward or backward through the text... ” and can “relate different parts of the text to each other to get a better grip on understanding” (Chapman, Making Sense. 1993). 

Since many of the traditional strategies for improving reading comprehension have been found “to promote recall rather than comprehension,” (Chapman, 1993) secondary teachers are understandably reluctant to apply those strategies. Strategies that focus on a deeper understanding though, should be a different story. If there is a connection for the reader with the text, then there is a greater chance at recall and understanding. Indeed, “people remember connected discourse better because their prior knowledge and expectations permit them to form a highly interconnected representation” (Goetz and Armbruster, 1980). Teachers seeking effective approaches to improved comprehension therefore, must make those connections, or help their students do so. In attempting to improve reading comprehension, there is yet another factor that requires some exploration. Some studies have shown that the greater an individual’s interest with the text, the greater their comprehension of that text. Since ‘students who are personally involved in reading remember texts better and achieve a deeper understanding of those texts, (Smith & White, 1987) it is clear that teachers need to help their students make those personal connections with the reading material. 

To achieve true comprehension then, readers must go beyond the basic decoding o f the text. They must think about what they have read on a deeper level than the simple perception o f the meaning o f the words. “The comprehension processes interprets language, transforming from linguistic symbols to a more abstract symbolic representation—that is, from language to thought” (Dechant, 1991). This clearly leads to a discussion o f what that deeper meaning in the text is. Failure in early grades may also have an impact on the ability to comprehend what is read in later school years. “Students who fail to read well early in their school careers rarely catch up,” (Madden, eLal., 1997). This means that what started out as an achievement problem can, in the secondary levels o f education develop into problems o f “low self-esteem, anxiety, poor motivation and avoidance” (Madden,,1997). 

Secondary educators then, may be dealing with a motivational factor that goes much deeper than simple indolence or lack o f attention. “Many students find the reading material in their subject matter classes difficult to understand” (Ryder and Graves, 1994). Their abiUty to understand the text is limited by their lack of prior knowledge about the subject. It is left to the teacher then, to imderstand their level of prior knowledge and to build upon it, or to build a bridge from what the students already know, to the unknown in the text. Once that is accomplished, then the level o f proficiency for each reader can be improved and deepened. Proficient readers understand why they are reading and they have a full supply of strategies to apply to various texts for comprehension. They will apply these strategies before, during and after the reading to help themselves understand what was read and to learn from it. Teachers can help promote this high level o f proficiency in several ways. 

At first, the instructor may need to provide direct, explicit instructions on what to look for in the text. As Students become more adept at reading the information, the teacher may relinquish some o f that control and just offer ''supportive instruction’'' (Ryder & Graves, 1994) which would give help when it is needed. The eventual goal obviously is for the students to actively become proficient and independent readers. This is a type of reading instruction most appropriate for the secondary level. In fact, if students are to be brought to such a level of u derstanding, they may need to do so through more “interactive instruction." (Kucan & Beck, "Review of Educational Research," 1997) The focus o f such reading instruction moves from teacher-led instruction, through independent student centered strategies, to peer-led approaches. Such an approach relies in a large part on the reading comprehension o f the group, but should not ignore the abilities o f the individuals. 

learning is not confined to knowledge constructed as a product...but also includes a developing understanding o f and ability to use the processes by which such knowledge is constructed.” (Kucan & Beck, 1997) Students therefore, acquire and hone a much deeper comprehension o f the subject matter, which also adds to their knowledge base, giving them a deeper motivation to gain more knowledge. An increase in reading comprehension may also come about as a result o f a similar strategy known as CR or “Collaborative Strategic Reading.” (Klinger & Vaughn, 1999) Utilizing this approach, students, with the help o f the teacher and peers, “increasingly become more proficient at applying comprehension strategies and constructing knowledge while reading from the context area texts.” (Klinger & Vaughn, 1999) Students are taught to first get a grasp o f what the main idea is, and then explore the unknowns in the text such as unfamiliar vocabulary or concepts. On the surface, this may seem to be a more elemental approach, but it may also be one that works better with certain students.

1.2 Motivation
a. Definition of Motivation 

Many psychologists have given various definitions of motivation. We have to comprehend about motivation in order to know and to understand what motivation is.

The word “motivation” is familiar for us that is commonly used in our society, but definitely what the word actually refers to is not simple as it’s utterance. The abstract term “motivation” on its own is rather difficult to define, it is easier and more useful to think in terms of the ‘motivated’ learner: one who ‘willing’ or even eager to invest effort in learning activities and to progress. Learner motivation makes teaching and learning immeasurably easier and more pleasant, as well as more productive: hence the importance or the topic for the teachers. From the statements above, the writer can conclude that motivation is an essential factor of learning to achieve something. It is the process which directs to activity. It means motivation plays a vital part in teaching and learning activity, so it has an influence toward students’ success or failure as language learners, so the teacher must develop an understanding of the nature of the motives and techniques of motivation. The term motivation is derived from the Latin verb ‘movere’ (to move) the process whereby goal director activity is instigated and sustained.11 It means the teacher should know if the students have high motivation, they will try to study hard and get achievement in learning. Motivation is some kind of internal and external drive that encourages somebody to pursue a course of action. If we perceive a goal (this is, something we wish to achieve) and if that goal is sufficiently attractive, we will be strongly motivated to do whatever is necessary to reach that goal. Language learners who are motivated perceive goals of various kinds. We can make a useful distinction between short term goals and long term goals. Long term goals might have something to do with a wish to get a better job at some future date, or a desire to be able to communicate with members of a target language community. Short term goals might include such things as wanting to pass an end of semester test or wanting to finish an unit book.12 From those definitions above, it is clear that motivation is internal and external drive which pushes someone to do or achieve something what he wants. So motivation is an essential of learning to achieve something.

b . Kinds of Motivation
Motivation can be divided into two kinds, intrinsic motivation (the urge to engage in the learning activity for its own sake) and extrinsic motivation (motivation that is derived from external incentives). Both or these have an important part to play in classroom motivation, and both are at least partially accessible to teacher influence.

a. Intrinsic motivation
“Intrinsic motivation comes from within the individual.” It means motivation is a desire which comes from inside to do something. Santrock said that intrinsic motivation involves the internal motivation to do something for its own sake (an end in itself). For example, another student may study hard for a test because he or she enjoys the content of the course. So, intrinsic motivation is the natural tendency to seek out challenges as we pursue personal interest and exercise capabilities, the statement above shown that motivation will be active or has function did not need to stimulate from outside, because every person has a drive to do something. A more powerful category of reward is one which is intrinsically driven within the learner. Gage and Berliner said that intrinsic motivation can be found such as in students’ interest, need, and goal in learning. Moreover, hobby exemplifies intrinsic motivation.
  1. Interest, students with an interest in a subject tend to pay attention to it. They feel that it makes a difference to them. They want to become fully aware of its character. They enjoy dealing with it either for what it can lead to or for its own sake. Interest can refer to selection of stimuli or attending to something.18 Interest is the factor which determiners an attitude in working or studying actively. Learning process will run well if the students have an interest. The students will study regularly or effectively and they will be success if they have high interest.
  2. Need, a condition of tension in an organism resulting from deprivation of something required for survival well-being, or personal fulfillment a substance, state or any other thing.19 It means that need is a circumstances in which something is necessary. The characteristics of the three types of needs are20 : a). Need for achievement, involves a strong desire to succeed in attaining goals, not only realistic ones but also challenging ones. b). Need for affiliation, people high in this need seek to be liked by others and to be held in high regard by those around them. c). Need for power, power is not about reaching a goal but about having control over other people. People high in this need would want to have influence over others and make an impact on them.
  3. Hobby is an activity or interest that is undertaken for pleasure or relaxation in one's spare time.21 So, hobby is an activity which is done for pleasure and it is usually something that you really enjoy to do it. Hobby is an activity done for pleasure during one’s free time. That means hobby refers to like or pleasure doing something for wasting time, example, John’s hobby is studying, he always tries to read a book wherever he is. 
  4. Goal, we have said that motivation is closely bound up with a person’s desire to achieve a goal. The learner is very aware of the goals of learning, or of specific learning activities, and directs his or her efforts towards achieving them. All people have a goal in their life. Before they do what they wanted to do, they have decided a goal first. In teaching and learning activity, the students have to know and decide to a goal, because it can be a great motivation for them. If the students know the appropriate goal, they will prepare everything that can help them to achieve their goal.
b. Extrinsic motivation
Extrinsic motivation is that which derives from the influence of some kind of external incentive, as distinct from the wish to learn for its own sake or interest in tasks.”22 Extrinsic motivations are motive active and function if there is stimulation from outside. An example : a person studying, because he or she knows that tomorrow morning there will be a test, by hoping that she or he could get a good value. We can find many sources of motivation, but actually motivation only has two big sources, the first source comes from within the individual itself or known as intrinsic motivation and the second is extrinsic motivation, which appears from the outer side of and give some influences to the individual like give incentives, social pressure or punishment. This motivation appears or comes from teacher, parents, and environment.
  1. Teacher, a major factor in continue of a student’s motivation is the teacher. Teacher has an important role in teaching learning activity. The teacher is not only a person who transfers the knowledge to the students, but also as a motivator who can motivate or support the students in learning activity. 
  2. Parents, a part from the culture of the world around students, their attitude to language learning will be greatly affected by the influence of people who are close to them. The attitude of parents and older siblings will be crucial.24 Students who are encouraged by their parent will try new things and try to give high performance to get reward from their parent. As a result, they will get better achievement.
  3. Environment, outside any classroom there are attitudes to language learning and the English language in particular. The learning of English is important to be considered in the society. In a school situation, the language learning is part of the curriculum of thing status, the cultural images associated with English are positive. All these views of language learning will affect the student’s attitude to the language being studied, and the nature and strength of this attitude will, in its turn, have a profound effect on the degree of motivation the student brings to class and whether or not that motivation continues. Even where adult students have made their own decision to come to a class to study English, they will bring them attitudes from the society they live in, developed over years, whether these attitudes are thoroughly positive or somewhat negative.25 Students who are motivated by their environment will have encouragement to learn English. In the other words, if their home environment and the atmosphere of classroom and also the quality of facilities are good, they will do their best to achieve better English. Generally, it has been known that to determine someone’s learning, motivation is not only from individual factor, but also environment factor. Environment is everything which exists around us which has correlation influences in ourselves.
2.3. The Student’s Learning Motivation 
Learning is the act, process or experience of gaining knowledge or skill. Knowledge or skill gained through schooling or study. There are many definitions of learning:
1. Learning is shown by a change in behavior as a result of experience. 
2. Learning is to observe, to read, to imitate, to try something themselves, to listen, to follow direction. 
3. Learning is a change in performance as a result of practice.

From those definitions above, the writer can conclude that learning is a change of behavior or performance by doing activities, such as reading, listening, and imitating to get knowledge, so the learners have to practice regularly of learning activities. One of factors of learning is motivation. Motivation is hidden power which is coming from inside and outside of the learners which drives them to do something benefit to get the desire changes. The learners will be success if they have motivation, motivation to know what will be learnt and to understand why they learn, so the learners can have or gain information and get knowledge from what they have learnt. Learning motivation is the desire or drive which comes from inside and outside to learn language, especially English through a process which is done by learners to take a change of behavior as a result of experience and to get knowledge. Motivation has a significant role in teaching and learning process. The students who have a higher motivation will get better opportunity to succeed in their learning activities than the lower one.

2.4 . The Student’s Learning Achievement
Achievement is important thing to measure how far our effort and skill can be reach. It is as a result of our activity which we have done, especially in learning. Hornby said “Achievement is a thing done successfully, especially with an effort and skill.”27 Achievement is the act of achieving or performing, an obtaining by exertion, effort and skill successfully. ”Achievement is considered as the drive and energy students bring to school work in desire to make progress in their learning and achievement.”28 It means achievement is the result that students obtain after following a teaching learning process in certain period of time. As such, the concept of achievement is critical to effective teaching. For a teacher, students’ motivation is important because motivation can serve as both an objective in itself and a means for furthering achievement of other educational objectives. As an objective, motivation becomes one of the purposes of teaching.29 Teachers make assumption about what motives or facilitate achievement based on what students do in the classroom-their performance, their behavior, how they respond to the teacher and classroom tasks, and so forth.30 The meaning of achievement is a result of learning that indicated by a changing of students’ behavior in their knowledge, skill and attitude. The conclusion is learning achievement is how much knowledge that the students obtained in learning English after they have followed teaching learning process in particular period of time. Here are theories of achievement: 31 1. The self-efficacy theory of achievement emphasized students’ judgments of how well or not so well or not so well they will perform a task given the skills they have and the circumstances they face. Students become highly motivated to achieve when they believe they can perform a task or an activity successfully. 2. The attribution theory of achievement emphasized students’ interpretations of their success or failure. Students become highly motivated to achieve when they attribute successes mainly to ability and failures mainly to lack of effort. The attributions theory of motivation suggests that the explanations people give for behavior, particularly their own success and failures, have strong influences on future plans and performance.

There are many factors that influence students’ learning achievement, such as, students’ behavior in learning, teacher, teaching and learning process in the classroom, environment, etc. The students will be success in learning if they have achievement, so learning achievement is important because it can determine students’ success in learning with effort and skill.

2.5. English electronic book
Electronic books (or e-books) can be defined as any group of text in a digital format that is to be read and displayed on a computer screen. They can be accessed in a myriad of different ways including through the internet, on a CD-ROM or by many of the portable e-book readers available on the market. Many types of content are also available for free download or purchase including popular fiction, non-fiction, as well as educational titles (Maynard, 2005, p. 103). This emerging technology has opened the possibility for a large range of new learning experiences for students because of its advantages over traditional printed textbooks. Electronic books often contain rich multimedia features that cannot be found in textbooks. These frequently include recordings of the text read-aloud, lively animations, music, video and various sound effects.

An e-book (electronic book) is just that: an electronic version of a print book that can be read on a computer or digital device. E-books can also exist without a print counterpart. Another name for an e-book that I will use interchangeably is digital book. E-book readers—or sometimes simply known as e-readers—are portable electronic devices meant to support e-books and other digital texts or periodicals. For simplicity, I restrict my definition of e-book readers to devices whose main purpose is for reading; smart phones, computers, laptops, and in some cases, tablets.

Based on definitions of the electronic book above, it’s mean that electronic book is really interesting for the students. It is very attractive media for teaching reading. And it can motivate the students especially in reading comprehension.

2.6. Conceptual Framework 
Based on theoretical framework and the statement by psychologists who said that “High level of motivation lead to high achievement” . Students’ motivation especially in learning English as one factor that is assumed can influence the students’ learning achievement in English by the following reason, students who are motivated to learn English will drive their self to learn without burden and problem. In other words, they will enjoy their learning process and try to produce the desired changes in learning English. Students who are motivated will expend psychological energy necessary to acquire responses, they will not avoid the learning situation that produce the desired changes. Students who have higher motivation in learning English will get better opportunity to succeed in their learning activities than the lower one. Students who are motivated usually have need to learn English, and they will fulfill their goal. If they know the appropriate goal, they will prepare everything to help them to achieve their goal, a better English score. 

Students’ motivation doesn’t only come from inside, but also comes from outside, such as teacher, parents, and environment. So the writer can assume that motivation is related to one and other. Motivation is very strongly relate to achievement in language learning. From the statement above, it is clear that learning motivation is very important thing in language learning process and it related to achievement. From the opinion that psychologist’s express, a similar thing that learning is an experience as a change of behavior or someone as a result of her or his interaction with learning environment. Classroom is a social system, such as it influences both student and teacher behavior. Students’ motivation and learning are influenced by process and structure created in particular classroom. Success in learning beside of teaching and learning process can be looked from achievement. Learning achievement can be reached by student if it is influenced by internal and external factor.

As the external factor, we as teachers can increase students motivation especially on reading comprehension by giving them English electronic book. Because in English electronic book it really attractive and can help students enjoy it.

  1. D,Alison. 2011. Building comprehension strategies.Australia: Elenor curtain publishing
  2. Larson, L. (2008). Electronic reading workshop: Beyond books with new literacies and instructional technologies. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 52(2), 121-131.
  3. Lefever-Davis, S., & Pearman, C. J. (2005). Early readers and electronic texts: CD-ROM
  4. storybook features that influence reading behaviors. The Reading Teacher, 58(5), 446–454. doi:10.1598/RT.58.5.4
  5. Pintrich and Dale H. Schunk, Motivation in Education Theory, Research, and Application, (New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2008),
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